Tag Archives: What does the bible say about relationships

Daily Devotional – 3/5/20 “Relationship physical”

Did you know it’s recommended you get a physical every year? This is an examination by a primary care professional who will check your overall health. This exam checks for possible diseases, abnormal blood work, to make sure you’re up to date on immunizations etc. Regular physicals are used to allow your doctor to treat anything they may be concerned with before it becomes severe. Why am I talking about physicals in a devotional? Well, because the same way a physical is recommended for your health, it’s also recommended for your relationships.

See, every now and then you’ve got to reevaluate your circle. Mane look, some of you are in a fight, every day, because you’re calling your enemy ‘bro’ and ‘sis’ while allowing them access to your people, plans and places. Some of you are in relationship with folk who pray, daily, for your demise but they’re the first one loving your posts. You’re sharing your visions and business plans with folk who don’t want to see you succeed but they’re showing up. You can’t see it because you’ve stopped checking them for abnormalities.

Sure, they’ve always been there for you. You’ve grown up together and you trust them. They were there when your third marriage failed, the job laid you off, you got bad news from the doctor etc. They were there when you first started your business, when you were thinking of quitting, but didn’t, or when God called you into the ministry. I get it but every now and then, you’ve got to perform a relationship physical to check the overall health of the relationship.

Because here’s the thing, you can grow, and they don’t. You can change, they don’t. Or, you can simply outgrow each other. I know this is tough, but you can be in covenant relationships with people that are causing you harm. What if that relationship is the one bringing in the ungodly spirits because you discern everybody else but them? Or is it, you know they’re wrong for you, but you don’t want to hurt their feelings, so you ignore the warnings? What if that relationship is the one keeping your from reaching your full potential because you trust their advice? Understand, I’m not saying every person is out to get you but every now and then, you need to ensure you and the person you’re in relationship with can still meet each other needs.

Relationships as in personal, business and spiritually. Yeah, you need to do a check up on your place of worship too, to make sure it can still meet your needs. All I’m saying is, perform a relationship physical, every now and then, to ensure the overall health is still good. If it’s not, this is when you determine the areas that need further elevation and a plan to either heal it or remove it.

Daily Devotional – 8/31/17 “Be mindful of those!”

There is somebody, probably one who is real close to you, underestimating the fire in your belly. They look supportive, they sound loyal, they show up to the celebrations, they comment their congratulations and they even wear the shirt with your logo. But deep down, they do not really believe you’ll do it. They don’t have faith in your ability to accomplish all the things you have planned and they are only standing close by just in case you do. See, if they ‘act’ supportive, they will feel obligated to be blessed by your blessing. Please note, this is not for those true supporter who are there through the wins and the losses but these are those who make the sly remarks thinking you didn’t hear them. These are those who always agree and then says but. These are those who say, “I’m with whatever you want” instead of giving you sound advice. These are those who half smile when you show them the speech you’ve prepared in advance. These are those who do not understand why you’re thanking God for something you haven’t gotten yet. These are those who question your loyalty to worship. Be mindful of those!

This is why you have to be careful the labels you place on folk and those you allow to be placed on you because a friend has a responsibility to love at all times and a brother/sister to be there in difficult times. Don’t take my word but trust God’s because the bible says in Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time?” This means when I mess up, you don’t leave me but you still love me. This means when you fall short, I still love you. This means you love me even when I am weak. This means I still love you even though you promised not to drink again but did. This means you love me when you catch me buying that stuff I said I’d never use again. This means I still love you even when you take your trifling spouse back. This means you’ll love me despite my choices. This means I will love you even when you are dirty and you will love me, mess and all because we love one another at ALL times. This also means, family, you don’t allow meaningless mess to divide our relationship because a brother (sister) was born for adversity. This means you may be mad at me, sister, but you will still show up in my crisis. I may be angry at you, brother, but I am still coming when you call. You may not like me, sister, but you love me enough to fight for me. I may get sick of you begging, brother, but I’ll still help when I can. You may get tired of me messing up, sister, but you will still clean me up. I may chastise you but I’ll still feed you. And we may not talk every day but when we do and you hear the pain in my voice, you show up. That’s a true sister/brother-friend. Be mindful of those, they are the ones you keep!